I had one pair of my daughter's old jeans, and thought I can make 2 different crafts from these!! Not sure what size they were, but the definitely didn't fit her any more. First I made a cute little purse. I bought a bunch (that's how they were selling them in a big bunch for about $3-$4 - love a bargain) of old belts from Goodwill last year and used one of them for the handle.

This is the back of the purse.
And, the front.
Tried to match the inside fabric with the colors on the outside.
Finally, I put a cute little "belt loop" round the spot where the belt handle was attached to the side.
This is the opposite side of the belt handle.
The second craft project was a reusable snack bag. This turned out so cute. I used the bottom part of one of the legs of the jeans, from about the knee down to the bottom seam. All I did was sew up the cut off part of the jeans to seal up the bottom, and add a liner. I found the clip on an old key chain. Thought it would be great on my snack bag.
The lining on this one is a little more colorful.
Turned out pretty cute.
Thanks for looking.
Have a great day,
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