After a trial basis to find measurements, this is what I came up with -

Lots of excellent wrapping ideas here. This is definitely one I've bookmarked!!
Thanks for looking.
Click here to see this and more ideas.
Thanks for looking.
Next fold in the sides of the card stock. Be sure to hold the cardboard tightly so it doesn't move when folding.
Now it is all set for your card.
Here are a couple of my other envys for my friends and family this year.
To add addresses I print them out on the Avery address labels. They show up nicely on the paper and much easier to keep track of them each year. I've never had a problem with the post office delivering the cards. They take one stamp and haven't had any returned to me requiring more postage - hope that holds true for this year!!
Thanks for looking.
Thanks to my next door neighbor I can pick up pine cones at no charge! After picking up the pine cones from our neighbor's front yard, I use an old and very small slow cooker to melt some wax, and/or old candles. Also add some extra fragrance (bought it at Michaels in the candle making section) these are pumpkin spice. They are red because the wax was from an old red candle whose wick seemed to have disappeared!
I like the wax a little built up on the cones, so they have to be dipped 3 or 4 times in the hot wax. After the first dip in the hot tub, I lower the slow cooker temp so the wax doesn't just melt away. The lower temp also makes the coating seem thicker too. To add extra fragrance just add a couple drops of liquid fragrance to the waxed pine cones. Or, just put some extra essence to a tissue and place at the bottom of your basket.
After the holidays or when they don't seem to be as fragrant, they can be used as a fire starter in the fireplace.
Thanks for looking. Have a great holiday season.
Have a great day.
These cute sweet treats start out with Peppermint Pattys and a couple SU punches (well, at least that is what I used!) They smell so good!
Thanks for looking!
Have a good time trying some of your own!